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Capture your audience’s attention at every step of your customer journey by providing gamified experience.

Gamify your consumer journey

Elevate Your
Customer Journey:
Create a Gamified

Welcome to the world of Gamified Experience (GX), where boring one-way communication is a thing of the past. At Cleinsight, we believe that customers want more than just a simple transaction. They want an experience that’s engaging, interactive, and most importantly, fun!

Think of GX as a way to turn your customer journey into a game, where every step they take earns them points, rewards, and achievements. It’s like turning your customer journey into a game of Monopoly, where every action they take is a step closer to collecting all the properties and becoming the ultimate winner.

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Our goal with gamification is to create a more engaging and interactive experience for your customers, using game-like elements and mechanics. You can implement GX across various touchpoints in your customer journey, such as your website, mobile app, brick and mortar store, or through other channels. So, whether your customers are buying a product, signing up for a service, or just browsing your website, you can make sure that every interaction is a game-winning move.

Enjoy clean zero party data
for business decision

Through GX get data from your customers directly without depending on unreliable 3rd party dat sources.

Welcome to the world of Zero-Party Data, where unreliable third-party sources are a thing of the past. At Cleinsight, we believe that the best way to understand your customers is to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, or in this case, straight from the customer’s keyboard.

Our App





Your Platform

QR Code


Survey GX

Promotion GX

Consumer GX

Gamify your customer feedback and gather valuable insights for business growth with our omni-channel system. Improve product and service quality, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and drive business growth.

Market GX

Stay ahead of the competition by understanding your target audience's thoughts on your products and services. Get valuable insights on your competitors to better prepare and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Promotion GX

Promotion GX

Gamify your promotions and engage your target audience with rewards and incentives. Create brand awareness and test audience knowledge with custom designed games that match your brand persona.

Get the attention
your brand deserves

Create a bridge between your customer and brand

Create a holistic view of your customers and target audience with our robust Gamified Experience architecture.

GX enables two-way gamified communication between your brand and the audience, building trust and understanding to drive success.


Dynamics of the workplace: More than just monetary rewards?

As we delve deeper into understanding the dynamics of the workplace ……

Designing with Heart Human-Focused Design

Welcome to the Era of Design with a Human Touch Imagine design as an assembly line: precise, practical, and primarily about performance.

Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations

In today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage and retain customers.

Epic Meaning & Calling in Educational Gamification

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the quest to engage, motivate, and empower students is a perpetual one.

"Issue QR King analytics better understanding my audience and what converts them."

Luke Kidgell,